Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm In Tacoma!!!

Hey everyone! Yesterday we landed in the Seattle/Tacoma airport and were picked up by the mission president and his wife!! We had a huge transfer meeting where we were assigned our new companions! Now I know you are all dying to know who my new companion is... Elder Hathaway!!! he is an awesome missionary and has roughly 10 months left on his mission. During the transfer meeting there were testimonies born by those who were leaving the mission field. There were many musical numbers given, but one song got to me... Amazing Grace. I have never really paid any attention to those lyrics before but as i was singing them everyone else around was crying and yes...it broke be down...shhh. Afterwards we gathered all of my stuff and put it in a car and drove to the new appartment! There are 4 of us elders in the appartment. These elders are awesome!! On the first night we were here we had a less active member ask us for a priesthood blessing, what an amazing experience for only being in the mission field for less than 4 hours! After that we went to Walmart for some food items and things of that nature. but after that we had a meeting with an investigator...or so i thought. We went over to Joanns' house and we began to teach her and before the lesson Elder Hathaway had told me that he wanted me to put her on date for baptism! First lesson in the mission field and I already have to ask someone to come unto christ and be baptised!! nervous...just a little. Anyways we went through the lesson and i started to talk about the saviors earthly ministry and how he was baptised and set the example for all of us. Then she started asking a ton of questions about baptism so we ,mainly me, started to answer them. Then my companion gave me that "ask her to be baptised" kind of look and so i did and she asked a couple more questions and then said yes!!!!!!! only one problem...my companion had set me up... she has been a member of the church for over 25 years. All of the older missionaries do this to their greenies to see how they perform and how they teach. Joann is an awesome member of the church and she and Elder Hathaway gave me some awesome feedback! Elder Hathaway told me that i did better that he thought i would do! This was such a neat experience! I am so thankful for this gospel and for all that it has done for me. I know this Church is true and that the book of mormon is another testiment of Jesus Christ. There is a prophet on the earth today and i know that he is the mouthpiece of God to help guide us in all that we do. I love being a missionary!!
Now on a more relaxed note...Its COLD here. The weather is supposed to be like 40 degrees but with the wind chill factor it's like 30 degrees!! The day we go there the sun was shining and it was still like 30 degrees! Everything up here is so beautiful! My new mailing address for our appartment is
200 lippert Dr. G-233
Port Orchard, WA 98366
In 6 weeks that could possibly change depending on where or if i get transfered!! Cant wait to hear from you all!! Love ya,
                           -Elder Garr

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