This past week has been kind of a downer :/ We haven't had a ton of people to teach. we have had people cancel appointments or have had to reschedule. We do have a couple of potentials though! we are going to try to get in contact with some of our potentials this week. Anyways the past couple of days have been awesome! On Christmas Eve we went over to the second councilor's house for dinner and they taught us how to make Italian lasagna and holy cow it was amazing!! After dinner we acted out Luke 2 with 3 out of 4 kids. Even while on my mission I had to act it out :P It was way fun to do it with a members family and to see how they did all of their traditions! On Christmas day we had a member feed us breakfast at 7:30 am!! (Most people are still asleep at that time, at least all of my friends) After breakfast they had a ton of presents for us! This family has made it a tradition to always have the missionaries over for Christmas. They bought us things mainly for our apartment but there were things that they got for us individually which was really cool! When we were opening the last of our gifts we noticed something!! It was snowing outside!!! We had a white Christmas!!! First time i have ever been able to say that :P Through this time of year it's easy to lose track of the real meaning of Christmas. Being on a mission has changed my perspective of Christmas. Before my mission I had always known the true reason for Christmas but now it has a whole new meaning. The Savior was put onto this earth to atone for all of our sins. He did what no one else could have done. He knows each and everyone of us individually. He knows everything that we have gone through and will go through. I am so thankful for my Savior and Redeemer and all the He has done for me. I love this gospel and I know that being on a mission is where I'm supposed to be. The book of mormon is the true word of God. This church is true and I love this gospel.
-Elder Garr